Every non-medical student aspires to become a part of one of the best engineering institutes of India and for that it is necessary to crack IIT-JEE Mains paper. The JEE Main syllabus 2020 for paper 1 (Engineering) and paper 2 (Architecture ) is meant to be the same as last year. As per the NTA(National Testing Agency) guidelines, JEE Main 2020 is expected to be conducted twice in online mode.
As per the latest news, NTA has successfully released the IIT lectures for those students aspiring to crack IIT-JEE Mains exam. The list of the exam centers has also been put on the official website. The engineering exam (paper 1) consists of Physics,Chemistry and Mathematics.
The architecture exam includes aptitude, mathematics as well as Drawing section.
In order to prepare well for the JEE main 2020 examination it is necessary to follow some tips that are given below.
The coordinating body for JEE main has switched from CBSE to NTA. However the pattern of JEE main 2020 exam and JEE main 2020 syllabus are expected to remain as in the previous years. The questionnaire for physics chemistry and mathematics will be framed from the +1 and +2 NCERT books. Before the examination the authorities are going to release some sample paper so that the students can have an overall idea of the paper. The pattern of JEE main 2020 has been changed as the number of questions per subject has been decreased to 25 with 20 MCQ questions and 5 with the numerical value answer. The aspirants could of either for the first paper are for both the JEE main exam as well as architecture exam. The exam duration of both the papers in 3 hours each and for the special children compensatory time of 1 hour is given. The tentative months for conducting chemmeen 2020 is January and April when the candidates seeking admission to do BTech and B.Arch courses in various IITs,NITs and other institutes. Both the papers have different syllabus and hence its important to prepare differently for clearing them.
Now let’s discuss about the JEE Main Syllabus 2020:
Mathematics Syllabus for JEE Main Exam 2020:
The syllabus for mathematics is vast, consisting of questions from class 11 and class 12 as per the CBSE guidelines. There are 25 questions in total with 20 MCQ’s and 5 questions with numerical value. The major topics covered under this are :
- Algebra
- Trigonometry
- Calculus
- Coordinate Geometry
- As per the CBSE set format, the topic wise weightage for the mathematics is as follows:
Coordinate Geometry | 12% |
Integral Calculus | 12% |
Trigonometry | 7% |
Sequence and Series | 7% |
Matrices and Determinants | 7% |
Differential Equations | 7% |
According to the previous year question papers, the level of questions is : easy (10-11 questions), moderate (10-11) and difficult (3-4) questions. The best books for the mathematics section is:
Maths XI & XII | R.D. Sharma |
Plane Trigonometry | S.L. Loney |
Higher Algebra | Hall & Knight |
IIT Mathematics | A Das Gupta |
Problems of Calculus in one Variable | I.A. Maron |
Chemistry Syllabus:
The syllabus for chemistry is divided into Physical Chemistry, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry from class 11 and class 12 as per the CBSE guidelines. There are 25 questions in total with 20 MCQ’s and 5 questions with numerical value.
As per the CBSE set format, the topic wise weightage for the chemistry is as follows:
Carbohydrates, Amino Acids and Polymers | 7% |
Transition Elements & Coordination Chemistry | 9% |
Periodic Table and Representative elements | 6% |
General Organic Chemistry | 6% |
Chemical Bonding | 6% |
Atomic Structure | 5% |
According to the previous year question papers, the level of questions is : easy (10-12 questions), moderate (9-10) and difficult (2-3) questions. The best books for the chemistry section is :
Physical Chemistry | O.P. Tandon |
Numerical Chemistry | P Bahadur |
Modern Approach to Chemical Chemistry | RC Mukherjee |
Organic Chemistry | Paula Bruice Yurkanis |
Organic Chemistry | O.P. Tandon |
Physics Syllabus:
The syllabus for physics is divided into two sections A with 80% weightage consisting of the theory part and section B with 20% weightage consisting of the practical skills from class 11 and class 12 as per the CBSE guidelines. There are 25 questions in total with 20 MCQ’s and 5 questions with numerical value. The complete syllabus is segregated into 5 parts:
- Mechanics
- Optics and Modern Physics
- Electrostatics and Magnetism
- Current Electricity and Electromagnetism
- Heat and Thermodynamics
As per the CBSE set format, the topic wise weightage for the physics is as follows:
Heat and Thermodynamics | 11% |
Optics | 11% |
Modern Physics | 10% |
Electrostatics | 8% |
Current and Electricity | 7% |
Waves | 5% |
According to the previous year question papers, the level of questions is : easy (10-11 questions), moderate (10-11) and difficult (3-4) questions. The best books for the physics section is :
Concept of Physics Part 1&2 | H.C. Verma |
IIT JEE Physics | D.C. Pandey |
Problems in Physics | S.S. Krotov |
Fundamental of Physics | Resnick, Halliday and Walker |
The paper 1 and paper 2 can be attempted in English,Hindi and even the regional languages. The duration is of three hours and the paper consists of +4 marks for correct answer and -¼ marks for every wrong answer and then the total is calculated and according to the cut-off the lists of the institute is made available to the students.
Best Institute for Math Coaching Online – eMathsWorld:
By establishing this solid foundation, eMathsworld will help the student score well not only in school exams, but also in competitive exams, and later in college entrance exams like IIT JEE, BITSAT. Who knows which of these students will end up becoming the next Ramanujan or Einstein or Nadella or Pichai.
Come join me, and let’s start this journey together.